Group Reflection

1. It is difficult to use recycled materials, as we are doing Chinese opera mask, so we do not use recycled materials.

2. We showed tones on the mask instead of using recycled materials to show that we understand the principle of design.

3. We need to improve on our group mask.

4. I did enjoy this Art project as it includes collaborative learning which is good for all project works as each pupil can share the work among the group members. Co-operation is very important in team works and I think that this project is learning process for us to learn how to co-operate as a team and team spirit could be better. I think that it would be better if we can do peer assessment alone as it could save time because we do not need extra time to discuss as a group. Maybe we could add in our comments for our friends' work too during peer assessment. Increasing the group size ( Example, from group of 3 change to group of 6 ) will be good too. This allows us communicate with other classmates too. However, I enjoy this Art project very much and I would like to have such group project works again. :]

Reflection on individual mask

I love my butterfly and this is the main point of my drawing. I do not show many tones in my drawing. I think this is the part that I need to improve on. I know that the coulours of Chinese mask tell us about the character, so I use green to show my character is violent. I use red to show brave and black to show selfless. I also use yellow to show fierceness. I have learnt a lot during my research. 

I enjoy the process of colouring and I really like my drawing and this project.

Reflection on individual mask

I think my mask is the best I can do already and I think that my shape of the face is a little bit wired. I had done many research on this project. I understand what is the colour of the mask stands for. For example, I used green to show my character is violent, purple to show uprightness, yellow to show fierceness, red to show brave and black to show selfless.

I love my drawing and I think I can do better next time!

For this project, I am very happy with my grouping and to do work with them. Everyone is cooperative and have done their job very well.

 Wen Le  O(∩_∩)O~~

Reflection on Individual Mask

If you were to ask me if this project work is easy, I would say no. Skills and patience are needed.

I have drawn Chinese Opera Mask as my individual mask. I find it interesting as the colours resembles different personalities. For instance, red stands for loyal, courageous and upright people; white for sinister and cunning officials; and golden and silvery colors for gods and ghosts.

My Individual Mask:

As I have mentioned earlier on, drawing this mask is not easy. I kept erasing my drawing and editing my work until it looks right. All the erasing and editing took about one Art lesson ( which is 1 hour ). Like what most of my members did, I brought it home to continue my work.

At home, I started colouring my work. Instead of showing just the normal colours of the mask, I showed tones, just as how my teachers suggested. So, it looked slightly different from the original mask uploaded on the internet. ( Personally, I think it looked great! )

I find it difficult to sketch the mask, as well as colouring the mask with tones. However, I really enjoyed the process even though it is tedious and tiring. I like the final product of my work as it looks much more interesting and unique compared to the common Chinese Opera Mask we normall see.

In conclusion, I like my final Art work of my individual mask and the process of sketching and colouring it. I have also learned many new knowledge from the research that I have done for this project. Overall, I have enjoyed myself.

~ Xiao Yu ^^

Reflection on Individual Mask

Completing the Individual Mask:
Well, I will have to say that this project is really a tedious one. It really requires patience, effort and hardwork. If not, the work cannot be done well.

For the individual mask, I've decided to focus on American Native Mask as American Native Masks are rarely seen in Singapore. Perhaps it is quite unsual to see an American Native Mask which is a face of an animal, but I personally thinks that it is quite unique and cool as most traditional mask are faces of a human. Thus I decided to try something new.

About American Native Masks:
American Native Masks are normally used in ceromonies, religious rituals and dances. It was said that the spirit of the animal that the mask depicts will enter the human whom is wearing thus the people is able to show the animal's power to a certain degree.

There are three different types of Native American masks. One is a single face mask which is just a simple mask. Then there is a mechanical mask that can contain moving parts. For example, this can be eyes that open and shut. The last type is a transformation mask. This is more like two or more masks in one. The outer mask opens up to reveal another mask. The second mask may open up to reveal a third and so on.

Sketching and Colouring:
I must admit that sketching the shape of the mask is very difficult for me. I've made many errors and corrected them many times before it looks fine. By then, one hour have gone. So I have to bring the drawing home to complete the sketching and colouring.

As the original mask is quite plain and not very colourful, I've decided to freestyle a little and to add in new patterns. One idea was to add some elements of Chinese Opera Mask into my American Native Mask. Such as, the lower part of a Chinese Opera Mask will depict a wing shape of a butterfly or bat, so I added this element ( wing shape of a butterfly ) into my American Native Mask. I've also added the pattern of a masquerade mask on the upper part of the mask.

Before and After:                                                                                                                           


 Colouring the mask ( which includes showing tonings ) is a challenge for me. I've tried to explore around with different brighter colours, such as red and blue. At one point during the colouring of the mask, I tried to use blue and green for the beak. However, it turns out that the colour do not match. Both the colours made my mask looks cartoon-like.


Colours of my Mask:
Like most Chinese Opera Masks, the colours of my American Native Masks shows different properties of this animal depicted.

 The circled part looks like a crown with yellowish colour. The shape and colour shows royalty.


The circled part shows a mixture of red, orange, light orange and yellow. The mixture of colours actually gives a feeling of fierceness of the animal.

The circled part ( if you look closely ), there are two musical notes. The colour purple and the muscial notes gives a feeling of smoothness and music.

In Conclusion:
Overall, I would say that this Art project is very meaning as the research done really increases my knowledge for this culture ( American Native ). If there is another chance, I would like to have such project work again! 

~ Joscelyn Chong :]